I mentioned I love video games and the newest installment of one of the coolest game franchises is coming out September 20th, 2011 - Gears of War 3!! Only 192 days left, fellow gamers (: Better start practicing now, I'll need it! As my boyfriend can attest, I love the game but I'm pretty sucky at it.
I couldn't resist adding my own personal touch to this sweet Gears pic ;)
Wow if the Gears cover looked at that, I don't think I would be buying/pre-ordering it. You would be shooting like flower power at them and hanging up some rainbow signs everywhere! On a more serious note I can't wait for the game's release date so we can pick it up and play together!!!! You're such a great gaming partner we'll kill the game in no time just like we did Halo: Reach. Now let's saw some Locust's in half and curb stomp them suckers!!!!!! The violent streak comes out (Only in a virtual environment though LOL)